Some governors are bat snot crazy. Some are not. Same with citizens. Really REALLY same with Congress. Blame is easy.

Citizens all over are doing just what I said they'd do. Rebelling. Revolting. Because the right to assemble is an absolute. It's not arguable, or changeable. Requirements that you can shop but not buy paint, are just suggestions. Every court will bear that out someday.........should they ever decide to come back into session!!! LOL

Freedom always trumps Safety. Period. Yak yak yak. Jibber Jabber. nothing will change that fact. I didn't do much, but I wore a uniform to protect Freedom. Not once did I swear to uphold Safety.

That said, I'm compromised and not stupid, so I'm hiding under the bed. That's just me though.

California just announced that the infection rate is about 85 times higher than what was reported. WOW! That means many have gotten it and never knew it. That lowers the death "rate" a lot. Still, those who do get it, this thing is nasty. Bad nasty. But not for everyone.

We can't hunker down in place till it's over. Sorry, but that won't fly. The only people suggesting that have a billion or two in an IRA and/or a nice fixed pension. So we are GOING to get out (we are here, I am guaranteeing you....Bubba here thinks this is a big government hoax), and then it's going to grab whoever it grabs, and the rest are gonna go back to serving biscuits and swinging hammers.

That is what is GOING to happen. What SHOULD happen will fly like the wind into oblivion.