Well, it's not "news" anymore. Now, some "news" channels spend more time being narcissistic than doing hard journalism. They talk about how they "feel" about this or that, or give opinions. It's all of them. You can still find out what happened (the definition of news) but you have to sift and discard and read between the lines.

I admit, I stopped watching TV news a long time ago. If I watch anything, it's for entertainment. Well, that, and I've grown weary of thinking for myself. So, I'm addicted to Tucker Carlson. I just watch him so I know what to think. It's way easier than trying to figure it out on my own. I don't have time for that. I'm too busy being apathetic.

It ain't just the news people though. These "experts" that told us to shut down the country have been dead, flat wrong every time they speak. Their record of knowing what is happening right now is almost as abysmal as their record of predicting what's coming. Oh, I know this is bad juju and fatal. I get that part. But sometimes they're just wrong, and other times they're playing loose with the truth.

I just hope the dang crappie and deer don't catch this crap.