Quote Originally Posted by Thumper View Post
First off, I hate all of the crap that's going on right now ... heck, who in their right mind wouldn't? I fear more for the shape of the economy (and our, personal, long saved for retirement investments) and can't help but feel for the smaller business owners (especially since I WAS one). Heck, I'm not even sure how many of the major corporations will weather this storm. BUT ... that said, I have no clue how you can make the statement you made above. I find it hard to believe they are so wrong and you are so right. Personally, I have no clue who is right ... or who is "righter" than someone else. This event is unprecedented and there is no guidebook or precedence to follow. As miserable as the current restrictions are, I think it's much better to err on the side of caution than risk the alternative. But whatever view you may have ... I have to agree, this can't go on for much longer. I couldn't have agreed with Trump more than when he said, “We can’t have the cure be worse than the problem." I think we're rapidly approaching that breaking point.

Man, I do NOT think I'm right. I do NOT know what RIGHT is. I didn't say that.

I said............that we keep being told "Stop listening to politicians and listen to the experts". And I did. I actually still do. But man..........their record is abysmal. Fauci said originally that we have nothing to worry about from Covid. Adams said we shouldn't wear masks at all. Birx said 250,000 would be dead by now. They've been WRONG! You think those statements are still valid? Still true?

I understand that predictions change when facts change. But the models that they used to shut down this country already had "stay indoors, lock it down" built into them. And they were wrong! They're still wrong. They're being lowered every other day.

I don't know what a BETTER answer is! I'm not claiming that because they are wrong, that I am right!! I am simply saying that I'm tired of being told I MUST listen to the experts only..........when they are wrong.

Here's one thing I'm keeping my eye on..........and not just cause my son lives there........and that is Georgia. Gov there is opening it all up. Well, in 2 weeks, 3 weeks, we can begin to see the impact there. If it's bad, maybe we learn this is still around big time. If it's good, maybe we learn it's bad but not crippling. I don't know.

I DO NOT KNOW. I never said I did. I just said I'm observing reality........and reality is that the experts have not been right very often.

But we do agree that it doesn't matter one iota how many are killed (well, unless that number is 100,000,000 or something......), we have to open back up or lose the country. Period. The cure can NOT be worse than the disease. We can't hunker down for 6 more months like some suggest (the ones that demand I listen to the experts). We can't.