I’ll play here from time to time, but TBH, I really don’t get all that worked up about politics. Other than here, I never, EVER really get into political conversations. I vote for whom I want to vote for. If my candidate wins, I’m happy with it. If my candidate loses, I may not like it, but I live with it. What else am I gonna do? I may not agree with the opposition, but I don’t “hate” them or wish them ill will. I’m just saying, politics is not a major concern of mine, regardless of what I say here sometimes.

BUT, I’ve experienced a change of sorts lately. It’s really not like me, but I have to admit that now, seeing and/or listening to Nancy Pelosi spew vomit from her stinking mouth actually makes me almost physically ill. Seriously, if she were on fire, I wouldn’t even waste my time pissing on her to try to put it out. I’ve never met her. I’ve never even seen her in person, but I want to puke every time I see her on tv lately.

What sucks is, I really hate feeling this way, but I just can’t help it. She’s one of the VERY few people in my lifetime who has made me feel like this and I’m not really proud to admit it.