I loves me some buttermilk pancakes, biscuits, etc, but anybody who would drink the stuff should be considered legally insane!

TBH ... I had quite the traumatic experience as a young kid (maybe 10 years old or so). I was spending the summer with my grandparents in North Carolina and came into the house one hot afternoon for something cold to drink. I looked in the fridge and spotted a carton of "milk". I had no clue what buttermilk was at that time and didn't read the label, but since nobody was looking, I pulled the carton out and took a big ol' swig! I didn't have a clue what hit me and thought the milk had soured and curdled. I made a bee-line for the kitchen sink and all but hurled! I must have spent the next 20-minutes rinsing that nasty shit out of my mouth!

So, that sir, was my unintended introduction to buttermilk and I never, EVER want to experience that again as long as I live! BTW, my grandfather would take a biscuit, break it up into a bowl and pour that vile crap all over it, then eat it ... he'd also have a glass of it before going to bed. It's no wonder he died "young" (64)!
