It's a really bad situation.... I have not commented on it at all till now.

I do believe that there is an honest to goodness right to voice your grievances in this nation. What's more I agree with the protesters that this is an example (of many) of things that go on and have gone on. And it needs to stop. Now.

But you just cannot allow the violence and mayhem to continue. Those protesting peacefully need to have their rights protected. But you just have to get these goons separated and put away. There seem to be a hell of a lot of people who are using this as an excuse to raise all kinds of hell. A lot of them in groups that are simply using a legitimate issue to rage at the machine.

There is a lot of pent up rage in this country. Been building up for decades. Violence won't cure the problems we have. Not this unorganized shit I see on TV anyway. I say that as someone who has probably had 100 fist fights in his life and bounced his way through college. The violence will cloud the waters to where the real grievances are forgotten.
