I'm not a heavy Uber user, but have probably used them maybe 20 times the past few years. I get a credit from American Express for $200/year for "free" Uber rides, but have never come close to using all of it. I will say, I like the service and it's really handy to have available when needed. I've also used Lyft (3 times) and really don't find any significant difference between the two. I've never had a bad experience from either service.

But ... it bugs me a little bit when corporate America starts spouting politics. I received an eMail from the CEO of Uber last night and it goes on and on about how Uber supports the current "justice reform" movement, etc. etc. etc. It also seems to lean heavily on the oppression of blacks in this country (MY interpretation) and how "we" owe them.

I could post the whole email, if anybody is interested, but this will already be a "Thump post" and many will not read it due to it's length.

The title to the email reads: Uber stands with the Black community

Reading the entire email, I couldn't help but think of Joe Biden jumping on the "blacks are oppressed" band-wagon ... which feels (to me) like nothing but digging for votes. BUT ... that's just MHO and it's pretty much worthless since I'm a Deplorable anydamnway.

Maybe my thoughts are justified, maybe not, but I always hate it when the racism card is used one way, but the flip side is ignored. Here's something in this email that bugs me just a little bit. (Note: Any highlighting in the excerpts was done by me.)

.... the reality remains that Black Americans often don’t feel safe to move freely in many places around our country. And they still face enormous barriers that others do not. This is a reality we should not perpetuate or accept. We must do better.
Then the email goes on to explain things Uber is doing to help change the situation. (Pay close attention to the highlighted word here)

We are committed to creating a community that treats everyone equally and with dignity. We do not tolerate discrimination, harrassment or racism on our platform ...
Ok, I have no problem with that. The email goes on to explain a few new programs they are instituting. For example:

We are committed to supporting the Black community. As a starting point, we will use Uber Eats to promote Black-owned restaurants while making it easier for you to support them, with no delivery fees for the remainder of the year. And in the coming weeks, we will offer discounted rides to Black-owned small businesses, who have been hit hard by COVID-19, to help in their recovery.
Ok, but are there no NON-BLACK businesses hurting due to COVID? What happened to the word EVERYBODY, which was used earlier? I'm sure there are plenty of small, (insert any non-black race here) Mom & Pop restaurants that are hurting right now. (heck, major CHAINS are hurting!) What are they? Chopped liver?

The email ends with this:

We know this isn’t enough. It won’t be enough until we see true racial justice. But we plan to work day in and day out to improve, learn, and grow as a company.

Lastly, let me speak clearly and unequivocally: Black Lives Matter.
Sometimes I wonder what "racism" really means.