Quote Originally Posted by BarryBobPosthole View Post
I have one of those top ones out in my garden. Do I need to bring it in and wash it up? BKb
That reminds me of an estate sale I once attended. I found a flawless, Griswold, dutch oven lid in the back of a kitchen cabinet. I 'bout tore that kitchen apart trying to find the pot (cast iron pot P-hole!), but never did locate it. I just bought the lid. As I was leaving the sale, I spotted the rest of the pot under a tree in the front yard. It was being used as a planter! Evidently, whatever had been planted in it had died and the pot was just full of dirt and weeds. I dumped the dirt out and discovered the pot was rusted all to shit from being exposed to the elements for many years. To make matters worse, some yahoo had drilled a drain hole through the bottom for drainage (right through the center of the Griswold maker's mark)! ARRRRGGGGHHHHH!!!