Quote Originally Posted by johnboy View Post
Joe Biden will never be on a debate stage with Trump or anyone else. Unless his performance lately has been an elaborate misinformation campaign designed to lull his opponents into complacency, he simply is not mentally capable to debate anyone. Joe is a straw man. Pay attention to who he picks as VP because a Biden win will have that person as Prez. Bets?
On one hand, I agree with you Johnboy, but on the other ... I'm not so sure it'll happen that way. Biden's "promised" that his vice presidential running mate will be a female. I can't really see him "stepping aside" and basically letting some split-tail like Kamala Harris run the country. Well, wait a minute ... I guess it COULD happen "again" ... that's kind'a what Bill Clinton did as Billary ran the country from "behind the curtain" and she wasn't even the vice president.

All I know is that Trump needs to get off his narcissistic high horse and admit his present direction is working against him and opposition is building because of it. His base is steady as a rock, but it's not big enough to carry him through. Without the swing voters, he doesn't stand a chance. The problem is, those swing voters are abandoning him like rats fleeing from a sinking ship. They're just not as dedicated as his base voters are and he's pushing them away. He needs to quit thinking he's God's gift to the world and start listening to some of his high paid campaign strategists ... of which, he needs to hire more since he seems to think he's got this thing in the bag and really doesn't need them. Isn't that exactly how Hillary lost to him in the first place? She thought she had the election in the bag and didn't take Trump seriously. Trump's now doing the same with Biden as Biden's support is growing.

Trump is his own worst enemy.