Are you just a stubborn, red-headed Okie step-child? Or simply an argumentative knot-head?

Medicare will pay hospitals a 20% “add-on” to the regular DRG payment for COVID-19 patients. That’s a result of the CARES Act, the largest of the three federal stimulus laws enacted in response to the coronavirus, which was signed into law March 27.
Or how 'bout this one? Ya' think the "uninsured" who croak from "flu-like symptoms" will die of the flu? Or Corona virus since the hospitals can blame Covid-19 with no test required?

Trump administration says it will pay hospitals for treating uninsured covid-19 patients

To quote a wise old Oak tree who hangs out here ....

I'm sure Posty will disagree with all I said because he's a crotchety old contrarian.
So I'll put this one to bed. Stick me with a fork.

Change of subject ... Ya' wanna argue about THIS one ... or should we just roll with it as truth?

Scientists believe cannabis could help prevent and treat coronavirus

A team of Canadian scientists believes it has found strong strains of cannabis that could help prevent or treat coronavirus infections, according to interviews and a study.