CD, we're covered as the GH account stands right now. Let's hold off and let the dust settle a bit, then I'll see if we need a small fund drive to replenish the account. I don't even know how the site account will be maintained right now. I paid the domain renewal in June, so we're good for a while. The old agreement with Gary Carty (Archer) was that he turned the domain over to Larke, but if he ever decided he no longer wanted it, Larke promised to turn it back over to Gary. I haven't discussed any of this with Gary yet, but will once we have the present situation behind us. I also have no clue who has the passwords etc. to even negotiate the transfer process or what is even involved.

I'll try to pick up the pieces, talk to Gary and come up with a plan and what procedures we need to work out for a transfer of ownership as well as payment method (Larke had it set up for automatic payment on his credit card and I'd reimburse him from the account). Now, I do know, he paid the domain fees out of pocket, because being the straight-shooter Larke was, he didn't believe "we" should pay for what he "owns". I would reimburse the administrative fees for Go-Daddy and any other random expenses we ran across to maintain the site ... like our software upgrade, straightening out virus or spam attacks, etc. Truthfully, it's been a LONG time since we've had any serious issues. What concerns me is, if we DO have a major problem, I'm not sure who can straighten it out. Gary is a tech genius with stuff like this, but he's been absent from the site for years now and really doesn't participate any more. Whether that will change with the domain transfer (IF he even wants it any more), I don't have an answer .... yet. Previously, serious problems were handled by teamwork ... Gary (AWOL), Nandy (AWOL), Co9 (gone) and Len (a worthless dufus these days). So, truthfully, the waters are pretty muddy right now, but we have plenty of time to work it out ... as long as we don't have a catastrophic issue or site crash, etc.