I'm with you on the impact of Larke being gone. I miss him significantly. I can also relate to this hitting harder than either of my parents deaths. Not sure I understand why.

Larke mentioned a month or two ago that he wasn't going to renew the goodhunting stuff this time around. He had run his course with it all. There were no other takers in that conversation. I don't know if I have the passwords or not. I can see if they're cached anywhere or if Larke emailed them to me at some point.

You used the term dinosaur. I don't mean any of this in a mean or insensitive way but message boards are very much dinosaurs these days. I realize most of us are dinosaurs as well but there's a difference in being a technical dinosaur. We get left behind. There's plenty of options out there that cost nothing at all, are easy to implement, you don't have to constantly fight off hackers, there's zero upkeep, and will allow us to all communicate in pretty much the same ways. It does require to open our minds a bit and consider how things are done these days. There's just no reason to piss away time and money unnecessarily to be able to communicate with one another.