Quote Originally Posted by BarryBobPosthole View Post
This is a national character test for the GOP. I’m glad its not the Dems because I’m not sure they’d pass it either.

No offense Posty but you're a little late to the party. For both sides of the aisle. And over the last few decades. If one of them actually passed a character test it would be remarkable. Failing them has become so routine as to not merit even a mention.

They've both played both sides of this argument and neither side gives a damn how hypocritical they seem... or even how much they actually are. It's a national disgrace. And to grab a phrase, they have not even begun to show their unfitness for public office. Pack the court, impeach the bastard, pass it in lame duck. There are no depths to which they will not stoop.

That said, I have to note that if bringing impeachment charges for the exact crime that their own standard bearer has admitted to on camera, running a sham special council for 2 years when every man and his dog in the joint knew it was a political hitjob, and ignoring not just partisan tactics by our own law enforcement agencies but actually suppressing evidence and lying in front of a FISA court have not doomed our nation? Well, replacing one more deceased old timer on an openly partisan court won't do it.

Ruth Bader Ginsberg was a genius. From all accounts a wonderful friend. And someone who made her mark and left a legacy fit for a giant. But she was also openly political and selfish. If she cared about not having a conservative replace her she should have retired when Obama could have replaced her and the then democratic senate could have confirmed her replacement. Gawd we need term limits for all them... including the Supreme Court.

And I vote for replacing face masks with ear plugs for the next 2 months.
