Personally, I think Trump gets a little carried away with his "fake news" claims and runs it into the ground, like he does so many other things (like the Obama birther crap). I believe nowadays, most of the fake news is actually just biased news. You can take most any political story and put your own spin on it, or exaggerate it, or subdue it. BUT ... I will admit, I was an avid reader of the newspaper when I was younger. It was like an addiction ... I HAD to read the newspaper every day. BUT, that all changed while I was in the military. Being in the intel field, I KNEW what the "real" news was, but what was reported in the newspapers was for the most part, bullshit! When I got out of the military, I never purchased another newspaper until I started my business, and that was just so I could check my ad everyday, as well as look at my competitor's ads. Then the internet exploded and I feel newspapers are going the way of the dodo bird. That said, I knew to never even attempt to talk to my mom until she'd read the paper and had a couple cups of coffee in the morning .. and that continued until her death just a couple of years ago. I really see no need for physical newspapers anymore.