Well, you're off base on why I left. One person here knows why, I told him not long ago so someone would know. Turns out, no one cares. LOLOLOL Just kidding. But after thinking long and hard, I decided it would be best if I didn't say on here what I knew about certain situations. And I still believe that's true. I was asked to at least check in and I did that, and do that. But if it's being a snowflake to not 'stay and fight', why isn't it also being a snowflake to get upset when folks try to tell you that you're wrong? Same thing, right? I simply tried to do the right thing. That often doesn't work, I guess.

These days I do try to avoid giving an opinion to some folks. But that coin has two sides, also. Everything that every human thinks is not right just cause they thunk it. But I have learned to TRY (I'm human) and not tell folks what they should think............but I don't always avoid saying outloud what I think. There is a difference.

If y'all wanna vote me out, I'll turn in my secret decoder ring and certificate. I got too many fish to fry to care much anymore. Truth is, as much as it might hurt some, that this place is simply too small to be a lot of fun anymore. I see posts lately by a lot of folks that rarely post. I don't think I'm alone there. It's mostly a 3 or 4 way conversation, but in public.

By the way, one of the neatest things about this place is the exhaustive list of Emoticons you can use in your posts. Other places I go don't have all that. That's just cool. Five years ago, I didn't know what an Emoticon OR a Meme was, and now All Truth is provided via one of those methods!!!