My routine, other than text, was usually a missed call with a voicemail that almost always called me a “slackass”. My return call minutes or at most a couple hours later was ALWAYS answered by old apey who would say, “what are you doing, ya’ SLACKASS??”

Since bow season started, I’ve missed that ole boy more and more. I have a 2 hour’ish drive up and back to my club, which rarely, if ever, didn’t include a call to Larke. Usually each way.

My last call to him was the day before he left us. He called me the morning of 7/30. I was on my way to the club for a work party. Didn’t have service, and i saw his missed call on my way home. I called him back around 2:30-3pm. He wasn’t feeling good. He wasn’t “Larke”. We texted later that night about how he was feeling. He was waiting on a covid test so he could see his “good friend the lung doctor”.

The next morning he texted Barry LJ CD Egghead and me on a group text at 6:19am. That group text was a daily staple for all of us.
Literally a group chat that rivaled teenage girls. If you weren’t on your phone, you’d miss 98 texts in a couple hours.

Fast forward to 10:18am... we find out he’s gone.

I still ain’t over it.

Barry gets away with a lot more nowadays in that group text than he used to.

He’s still watching you Barry!!! Straighten up and don’t forget the plug!

Larke, I miss ya buddy. I hope you and my dad aren’t fighting over the cricket can, should be plenty to go around up there.

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