Very true. And it reminded me of the last time I saw a state refuse to certify an election. Don't know if you've seen this one but it was big news here on the coast.

Ballot harvesting in NC:

Two points:

1) This was discovered through the use of statistical analysis. The state board went looking for this because the numbers showed a big problem with the results being way abnormal.

2) This was only prosecuted because they leaned on those involved and got them to turn on the leaders of this scam.

I guess what I would offer is that IF there was enough fraud to turn this election it will probably show up in a real analysis of the voting data. I don't mean some precinct gets 10% more votes than normal or something inane like that. This was a big election and that could mean nothing at all. I also don't mean some jackass on the internet throwing out something he heard from someone who heard it from someone else either. Point and counterpoint. Some things look abnormal and can be explained readily once you look at it. But if you dig around enough the scam will be there. And it will be obvious. If you want to look at it honestly.

But one point about where we go from here relates back to point #2. Just showing it and having statisticians confirm a huge statistical anomaly isn't enough. And if that is what Trump is banking on then he should just be quiet and start planning his retirement. Knowing is one thing and proving is quite another. You'd have to turn some of the people involved and get solid evidence that you can go to court with. And recounts ain't going to change a thing either. Once the ballots are in the mix it is too late. The only thing that could be done after that is for the election board to refuse to certify the election and demand a revote. And that is if you could prove the scam first.

An aside: I have intentionally avoided any online info on this kind of stuff so far. Too much crazy stuff will be put out in an environment like this. But if there was sufficient vote tampering to turn the election it will eventually be known. It may well be too late to make a difference in this case though. An ounce of prevention and all of that you know....
