I know of observers in one location that were supposedly blocked in PA, but the work going on there was overseen. That issue wass corrected. I’m sure there will be a recount. To me that issue is the one valid one Reps seem to be hanging onto like its bigger than what it really is. There are lots of things where it can be said that even a whiff of it looks bad.

I guess I am caught off guard by suggestions we federalize election processes. That offends even my conservative values. And it surprises the hell out of me that its being suggested by Rs.

The mail in voting issues and later than normal results because of the volume are self inflicted wounds caused by state legislatures. states that have had mail in voting for years seems to have gotten their ballots and counts done on time. Why no allegations of fraud in those states? I live in a red state and even dumbass old Oklahoma managed to get its record number of mail in votes counted. Because our election boards started processing them two weeks ago. No fraud allegations here in a very big Trump win. Wonder why?

Prove it in any of yourexamples and I’ll listen.