I think Willy referred to our election as a national embarrassment and worthy of a third world country. So far, states have gone about their certifications and found no meaningful issues. And that means nothing they don’t see in any election. It doesn’t mean voter fraud happens in e ery election either. Most are minor human errors.
The GOP and Trump have filed over 30 lawsuits and have only won minorly in like two of them, neither which affected any outcomes.
So IMO, here’s what is a national embarrassment: We get all pissed off when players kneel for the national anthem in a meaningless football game where half the fans don’t know the words and the other half are half sober. We get all pissed off when some celebritysays something stupid like that means doodley squat. Yet we sit on ourhands when people like Sideny Powell and Ronna McDaniel and Rudy and Trump bloviate to no end about what a sorry ass crappy job our states have done running their elections and claiming there is some sort of massive fraud that exists in our very institutions with absolutely no proof. And 70% of Republicans fucking believe it! And then they shamelessly fund raise off of it to help finance their next campaign.

If you want to look at acts of blatant unpatriotic behavior, look no farther than 5e people who are embarrassing us in front of the world stage right now.

Its time to stop this.

End of rant! Have a nice day.