I’ve been wondering about that all through this process and have wondered since the beginning if there have been some back room deals made. Who would actually be responsible? The manufacturer? Or the government for waiving many of the checks and balances normally required? Have there been assurances from the government that since many of the hoops and hurdles were removed, that the manufacturers will not be liable for claims in the future? Much like the VA system. When I had my medical problems, I consulted numerous attorneys. They were ALL ready to go for the jugular and had dollar signs in their eyes, that is, UNTIL I mentioned the surgery was performed at the V. A. Then all of a sudden, they were extremely busy and told me I’d be better off going elsewhere. I finally gave up when I was told it was because the VA had a cap on malpractice claims which is (I think) $100,000. Law firms would only get excited if there were about three more zeros attached to that number. I have to wonder if there’s a waiver hidden in the fine print when you sign the release to get the vaccine, that it’s the responsibility of the “customer” and the administrator or manufacturer is not liable for any possible complications in the future? I just can’t imagine the drug companies who rushed the development, pushed through by the government, wouldn’t cover their asses in some way. Or is it ALL the money to be made? Like the Ford Pinto exploding gas tanks fiasco years ago, Ford knew of the problem, but did nothing about it because the profits would more than cover any eventual claims.