I remember always hearing about the 'terrible two's' when it came to raising kids and I can't help drawing a parallel between the terrible 2's and the recent losers of the Presidential elections. Hillary cried fowl when she lost and blamed it on the Russians and an antiquated Electoral College system. How long did she bitch, moan, cry and throw temper tantrums until she finally shut her yap? Or did she ever?

Now it's Trump's turn. There's NO WAY IN HELL he could have lost the election, unless there was election fraud. (just ask him) Like the 2-year old throwing a temper tantrum, they're gonna have to grab him by the back of his diaper and drag him kicking and screaming out of the White House. Like the relentless and stupid "birther" argument during the Obama Administration, I'm just dreading having to hear about the "stolen election" for the next who knows how many years?! (Much less having to live with the goofy Biden/Harris team of ass-clowns) The world must really be laughing and shaking their heads in disbelief at this once mighty country. It's more like running a kindergarten these days.