Yeah, Johnboy, kind'a like examining his tax returns. BTW, I ain't buyin' into the rampant fraud and election abuse argument. Is it perfect? No, I'm sure there have been minor mistakes here and there ... on BOTH sides. It's the law of averages. But enough to skew the vote by millions? I don't see it. One or two people can't "rig" (one of Trump's favorite words when he's in whining mode) an election. MANY people would have to be involved and I'll guarandamntee you, somebody would have gone into hero mode and spilled the beans by now. Trump gets on a rant and drives it into the ground. Like the birther b/s with Obama, he just refuses to drop anything HE believes to be fact ... even if proven wrong. He's a spoiled, privileged brat who holds his breath until his face turns blue until he gets his way. Give him wealth and power, and he doesn't need to hold his breath any longer, he'll just stomp the shit out of anybody who gets in his way or doesn't agree with him. The ONLY way to survive around the guy is to be a 100%, total "yes man" or your ass is sent to pasture. Sorry Trump, YOU'RE FIRED. I voted for you ONLY for your business acumen. That's it ... sum and total. I liked a lot of what you did, but you had to act like a frigging spoiled 3-year old while you did it. You finally turned me off with your childish Twitter wars and your endless name-calling. I know kindergartners with more class ... AND larger vocabularies! What I THOUGHT I wanted turned out to be a total embarrassment imho. I will give you credit though, I like how you've made Mexico pay for that "big, beautiful, wall!"

Problem is ... NOW it's 4 years of Biden/Harris! Somebody please shoot me!