PS: And as long as there is actual smoke you will never get it all snuffed out. Only way to cure it is to talk it through and investigate. Make people fess up and face the facts either way. A lot of people are sore losers but if you disprove their arguments instead of dismissing them the majority will walk away from them... at least that is my naive belief.

Far as ideology versus marketing?

I don't think it matters. You've got a substantial number of Trump loyalists who ain't voting again until they believe in the election machinery again. I'm not sure the Republican party has a choice but to try and get these things sorted out in public. The party upper echelon will want nothing more than to bury it. Not sure who wins this, but the GOP is finished in it's current form either way. Just a question of whether they want to take the Foundation Choice according to Seldon's plan.... ie the only one that moves them forward or else ride it to the bottom.
