Well, of course. Why would it logically be any different? There was no real rational explanation for the drop either.

Here's a hint. Look at a histroical chart of unleaded gasoline futures. They are about as high as they've been in a long long time. and the trend upward started in early december and has skyrocketed over the past two months. Holders of those futures profit when gas prices shoot up like they have. And who holds most of those futures? Who invests heavily in them? I ain't gonna tell ya. But its the same folks who determine the wholesale price of gasoline and make record profits.
It ain't some refinery retooling that makes the price go up. Not by this much. It ain't some electrical fire at a refinery either. Its plain and simple manipulation of the commodities and wholesale markets for the pure profits that are gained when those markets fluctuate like they have. And the fluctuations are driven mainly by the commodities and futures markets. Period.