So here we sit, with so many conspriacy theories and stories swirling around us. One story has ita that the banks are about to be nationalized, that Trump will declare martial law, that the cellular network will be taken down today, that most high level democrats and those republicans who weren’t loyal to Trump will be swept up in a huge dragnet soon after, that the Chinese invented 5G and turned their towers towards Wuhan and created the coronavirus, that the whole Coronavirus pandemic was simply a democratic plot to control our behavior, that there’s micochips in the masks we’re being asked (made) to wear, that there will be military courts and tribunals because the judicial system can’t be trusted, and that the fencing around the Capitol isn’t to keep people out, its a trap to keep people in!, and that Trump will eventually be inaugurated as president. Just as soon as he gets all of the above taken care of.
This isn’t funny and it offends me. Because its been told as facts to honest people and I can name you three people I know personally that believe all of the above. That’s what is going on in MY country that is disgusting. If you aren’t disgusted and repelled by this intentional level of misinformation and the results its producing, then you are part of it.