Len, I appreciated it.
Jim, no he was not a student of mine. My biggest concern is he frequents the same fishing places that fish as do my friends and family. I don't need some Johnny Ringo wannabe shooting up they area and putting people I know at risk.

Like I said before you guys were more polite than me. I finally got tired of the excuses in some of the other comments and decided to put a little fear in them. I believe the kid that made the video was getting cocky because he thought he had total anonymity. His name isn't anywhere on YouTube. What he didn't know is that I knew his name, where he lives, and who the sheriff is in his town. (See I learned a thing or two from Kribbs and the Captain). Once I had enough of his and his friends BS I made a post calling him by name, and letting him know that I was just one stupid/arrogant comment away from sending the Sheriff a link to his video. I told them I would let the sheriff review whether he thought his firearms handling was reckless or not. I also referred to the sheriff by his last name, so the kid would know I wasn't messing around, and that I had him pegged. I left it up the comment for couple hours and then deleted it. Just long enough that I figured he had time to read it. Then just like that about 30 minutes after I deleted my comment POOF his video became private access only. As far as I'm concerned that is great, as I would just as soon not have a bunch of other young kids watch his idiotic behavior and think it's okay to handle a handgun that way. I'm 99.9% sure I will run into this kid in person. I plan on being polite; however, I will respond in kind and treat him accordingly depending on his demeanor.