The one thing I've learned about this business is that people collect EVERYTHING. My brother (who lives in the San Francisco area BTW) was incredulous whenever he used to see my gun collection. He'd just shake his head and ask why I needed so many guns. I'd always have the same answer for him ... I didn't NEED them, I WANTED them. He'd just roll his eyes and walk off shaking his head. I've sold literally hundreds of old razors over the years. In this age of plastic and/or disposable razors, the old ones are getting harder to find. You wouldn't believe how many bathroom drawers or linen closets I've rifled through looking for dad or grandpa's old DE razor. I'm not talking the old straight razors. Believe it or not, they generally aren't a huge collector item. I'm talking the old 50's - 60's style adjustables. My best sale was right at $650.00 for a nasty old razor I picked up for $0.50. I used to love the old, Gillette "Fat Boys" and have probably sold 50 of them, but sell anything I come across. These are NOT the priciest razors out there and are "fairly" common, but are becoming harder to find, like anything else collectable. As an example, here are a few Fat Boys that have sold in the past couple months.





Well, you get the idea. You'd be surprised how many of these things are forgotten and found shoved into the back of a bathroom drawer at grandpa's house. These were very common razors back in the day and sold for $1.95 in the late 50's - early 60's.

Toggles (Gillette) bring insane money and I've only found ONE during my razor hunting career (can't remember what I sold it for).

I just did a quick scan and the sales since mid-November look like this: $4058.25, $1792.05, $1508.98, $1377.20 & $1157.95

Now these aren't new, museum pieces ... all of the above were used razors and only the first listing posted above of each razor were complete with case, etc. The others were all just the razor themselves. They're still out there and I don't leave an estate sale without digging through the bathroom drawers or peering into the dark recesses of those under-sink cabinets!

The point is, you name it ... SOMEBODY collects it.