I always make a contribution to Lynn's IRA as early in the year as possible ... usually around this time of year. Many people wait until tax time and make a contribution (for the write-off) for the PREVIOUS year. My plan has always been to make the contribution as early as possible so it's working and earning money all year. So, we had a meeting with our broker this morning and I wrote a $7000 check as our contribution for 2021. We went over the progress of the account and it made an excellent return last year even though we've gotten a bit more conservative with our investments due to our age. As we were leaving the office, our broker said, "Oh crap! I just realized something!" Since Lynn has not worked and drawn an income this year, she cannot contribute! It's a total roll of the dice as to whether or not she'll work this year or not, much less draw enough pay to cover the contribution. We tore the check up and shredded it. Damn, this is the first time in many years I haven't contributed. We have until next April to bring home the income, but I've been trying to talk her into retiring and start drawing Social Security. I don't know what to do right now as I'm in the habit of always investing. Heck, I'm not sure of the (SAFE) alternative investment opportunities right now. I mean, what's the return on a stinkin' CD thses days? Like 0.50%? It's not even worth the effort. Any ideas out there?