Ha ha ha! Yeah, it's startin' to look like that. Of course I have a ton of misc. stuff listed, but I have a habit of categorizing some stuff and group things together by category. Then I let the supply build up until the urge hits me to start listing a particular type of item, then I go through the pile. The last couple months of the year, I got the urge to start selling off a pile of old Pyrex mixing bowls I'd let accumulate. Bottom line on old Pyrex bowls for the month of December? $1044.22! I'd acquired a pile of axes and didn't start fooling with them until sometime last month, so I sold a couple in January. For some odd reason (no rhyme or reason really), I only list one at a time. I'll clean one up (minor cleaning, maybe 15-mins. per axe) and list it. When it sells, I'll list another one and so forth. This is what has sold so far just in February, so I'm averaging 1/week. (I guess it's time to clean up another one)

Bottom line paid by buyers, Total: $413.32 Nice return considering I refuse to pay more than $5/axe. (the small, boy's axe (#3) was badly rusted and extremely pitted)