There is a definite personal bias, in one direction or the other about what is kosher to catch fish on, attract ducks with, hunt deer with. It’s more than just a preference. Its a belief with real fishermen or hunters.

I don’t know this for sure, but Id be willing to bet you that you wouldn’t catch Big Sky impaling corn kernals or redworms on a gold hook to catch those trout he chases. Or even a sculpin probably. And you could catch them on those things too.

I’ve never understood why its okay to thread a live crawdad on a hook to catch a bass but considered immoral to plant and brush hog a cornfield to attract mallards. Isn’t it the same? Sure, there are some of those laws meant to protect from having animals congregate at baitpiles and passing on bad diseases, but for the most part our preferences for live vs artificial are fair chase ideas we might have.

I grew up listening to dog races with deer in Arkansas where its perfectly legal. In Oklahoma they look at you like a brahma bull looks at a white faced calf. Dogs are perfectly natural and even considered beautiful working over coveys of birds. But deer?

When those motorized duck decoys first came out people were slaying ducks over them. Some states made them illegal. The ducks eventually got educated, like they always do. But is it unfair?

[The list goes on and on. Some people, who shall remain nameless but their initials are TA, even advocate road hunting.
Oh the humanity!