Quote Originally Posted by quercus alba View Post
We've been fed so much misinformation about this from the get-go that I don't know what to believe. I don't know if the Covid shot prevents, minimizes or does nothing at all. I don't know if Black Mamba antivenom works either but if I'm in snake country in Africa you can bet your sweet patootie that I'm going to have some nearby. If you don't and you get bit well...................

I’m going to have to call bullshit here, QA. I know for a fact that you are a very smart man who thinks about stuff more than the average bear. To claim you’re afraid of making the wrong decision because you don’t know who to believe also doesn’t hold water. Its an important decision, and you’ve decided based on a lot of thought and you’ve likely checked it all out. What that decision is, is your business. But don’t blow smoke up my skirt that you’ve been so misinformed you’re bewildered.

And bite me Boh. The same goes for you. Kathryn thinks for the both of you so you don’t have to.