What I've had to do is keep things in perspective is to remember that I may disagree with peoples attitude about the needle but, it's their decision whether I like it or not. The same can be said about any other decision people make like drinking, smoking or who they marry or who they work for. We all do foolish things that hurt other people and in many cases we forge ahead in spite of the warnings from parents and friends. In retrospect I might say "Man I was stupid". In some cases what doesn't kill you makes you wiser, sadly with covid it may kill someone else close to you.

One of the freedoms we have in this country is that we can operate our business as we choose in regard the practices we choose in institute for both customers and employees. If you choose not to be vaccinated then you may find yourself unemployed or unable to eat at your favorite restaurant. You have to live with the decisions you make but live or die they are your decisions. I just hope they don't kill anybody