Wow Trav. Congrats! My dad (due to a super rare condition) had his whole stomach removed. I never even knew that was possible, but the docs explained it was nothing more than a holding area to store what you eat until it passes into your intestines. I told them I thought it was where the stomach acids broke the food down before it could progress on into the intestines and they explained it was necessary back in the “cave man” days when many foods eaten weren’t very digestible, but with today’s foods, it’s generally not the case. It’s been so long, I don’t remember if there were certain things he couldn’t eat, but nothing comes to mind. I do know he had to be VERY careful with how MUCH he ate. He had to eat like a bird, very small meals and often (no storage area so-to-speak), but if he ate too much at one time, it was extremely painful for him. He lived many (20-25?) years like that before he passed away from something totally unrelated.

I wish you all the luck in the world with the kidney issue and congrats on the weight loss and resulting health improvements. You know we’re all pulling for you.