The longest and oldest vehicle you’ve ever owned, that is?

I bought a new 2000 Silverado Z71 in 1999 and traded it in for a new 2014 Yota in 2013. The Blue Goose. So 14 years for me. It never gave me any issues and I was still able to do 90% of my own work on it. Replaced both wheel assys, a couple of brake jobs, and had to replace the 2wd/4wd select switch. Oh, and had to replace the plastic body inserts where the drivers side door handle and rear tailgate handles are. Both got brittle and busted in freezing weather the same year. Some procurement weinie prolly bought the cheapest plastic he could find.

The oldest was a ‘68 GMC pickup I bought for $700 in 1988 and sold for $700 in 1995. Still had a working Monkey Wards under the dash AC that would keep meat fresh when I sold it. the compressor was the size of my head. Big Whitey was its name.

Both GM products of course.