I don't think anyone has ever argued the point that one who has been vaccinated can still contract Covid. The difference is, the vaccinated generally come down with a case of the sniffles and recover at home, while the non-vaccinated end up in the hospital soaking up valuable resources ... then many of those same patients end up in the morgue while the vaccinated recover and go back to work.

It's an argument that will probably go on until the cows come home. Personally, I see this mess as becoming much like the flu. People dismiss the variants and use them as "I told you so's", but I get a flu shot annually ... and have done so for as long as I can remember. Why annually? Because every year there's a variant.

I feel that if we can get a grip on this Covid thing, it would be something not too many people would worry much about. Some die from the flu .... I've never had the flu that I'm aware of. I travel rather extensively compared to many and have been vaccinated for hepatitis and get a booster when due. I get a tetanus booster every 10 years. When I travel to a foreign country, I check with the CDC and get a vaccine for whatever is "going around" in that particular country at that particular time. Overkill? I dunno, but I'm not a gambler and trust the vaccines more than I do throwing caution to the wind.

For the life of me, I don't understand all the pushback on this Covid crap. As an infant, I was given the recommended inoculations of those times. As a kid, we had to have a list of vaccinations before we could start school. As a young adult in the military, we had to have a shitload of vaccinations before we even started Basic Combat Training. As an adult world traveler, I've been required to have certain vaccines before I was allowed a visa in some countries.

I see a LOT of stupidity in this country right now, so if the shoe fits ... well, you know where I'm coming from. Just don't breath on me. I promise, if I start growing a third eyeball on my forehead 10 years from now, I'll admit I was wrong ... to any antivaxxer who's still around then.