I don't know what to believe anymore, but when it comes to health issues like we're facing now, I really don't see how there could be any political advantage for the government to lie to us. Unless it's for some dumbass like Trump to fight it to win praise from ignorant rednecks in case he decides to run again. Sorry if I'm stepping on any toes here and I don't want to paint with a broad brush, but I recently lost a couple of very close friends (I posted about it at the time) whose whole family of anti-vaxers died of covid. They got together every Sunday for a big Sunday meal and were a close-knit family. The ONLY survivor in that whole group was my (ex-hunting/fishing) buddy's wife who is a hospital nurse and was required to be vaccinated. As I said, that was a few months ago and I saved this article at that time. Things may have changed a bit, but I think it still makes a valid point.

1) Unvaccinated people are about 29 times more likely to be hospitalized with Covid-19 than those who are fully vaccinated, according to a CDC study released Tuesday.

2) The new study also found that unvaccinated people were nearly five times more likely to be infected with Covid than vaccinated people.

3) The data is in line with comments from federal and state health officials, who have been saying for weeks that millions of unvaccinated Americans have been putting themselves at serious risk.

We can argue it 'til the cows come home, but I just don't want anyone to question where I stand on the issue. The above statements should make it plain to see. I've been in a few "arguments" with close friends who refuse to get vaccinated and continuously spew anti-vaxer b/s. After a while I get to the point I just want to reach over and bitch-slap 'em.

Right or wrong, I'm entitled to my opinion, but I also realize everyone else is too (even though they are wrong).