In the next 2 years, ALL gas-powered lawn equipment, sold in California, will have to be electric. Leaf blowers, trimmers, lawnmowers, etc. I'm wondering how the lawn services will be able to run their equipment all day without recharging? Carry a shitload of extra batteries? I dunno. Apparently, the new law doesn't ban the USE of gas powered equipment, just the sale, so I'd have to assume many will be going to neighboring states to buy their equipment, then bring it into California. Sounds like they'd be shooting themselves in the foot considering all the sales tax that'll move out of state.

BUT ... the real subject of this post is the fact they are including "portable" generators in that equipment group! The motorhome industry filed for an exemption as their generators are mounted within the framework of the motorhome and although the motorhome can be driven, the generator is a part of the unit and not really considered "portable". California told them to pound sand and motorhome generators will still be considered "portable" generators! Heck, my Toyota Tacoma had a little inverter built into it and powered by the battery/alternator. I could plug in power tools, radio/stereo equipment, lights. etc. I once used it as a "portable generator" during a hurricane when we lost power. I let the truck idle in the yard to power a small water pump to alleviate a flooding situation we were experiencing. It worked like a charm. But would that make that factory option illegal in California? I assume so.

Anyway, Cummins has already informed the motorhome manufacturers they will not be able to supply generators to any unit destined for California once the law takes effect. So, let me get this straight .... any small engine to drive a generator, must be electric. So, I guess you'll need electricity to power a unit used to generate ... ummmm .... ELECTRICITY! WTF? Or maybe .... naaaaa, I'd have to assume California would never in a million years approve mini-nuclear reactors to power motorhome generators.

generator road sign.jpg