We had a VERY open winter here in my neck of the woods with very little snow which made many folks VERY concerned as last year was an extreme drought year for most of the state so we were hoping for some winter time moisture. What little snow we had melted long ago, so folks started hoping for spring rain. No luck there either. And then last week hit us smack dab between the eyes with one doozy of a 3-day winter blizzard!!

The first three days netted us here with somewhere in the 19-20 inches of snow range but thanks to the winds, which gusted into the 40's mph, made for some impressive drifts. It was a wet, heavy snow that was a bitch to move and raised hell on those with cattle. Still trying to tally losses. 100 miles north of us in Minot, ND the official snow total was 36" of snow!

That fun all wrapped up on Good Friday only to be followed by another 5" for us and 12" for Minot Saturday night into Easter Sunday.

Again the moisture is a God-send and we are very thankful for it, but now starting tomorrow going through into midday Sunday we are looking at another "significant event" that will start out as rain here and turn to snow on Saturday night. The colder locales in western ND are predicting 6"-14" of snow where we are being told 1"-5" of snow with up to 2" of rain.

Beginning to look like the drought might be on hold temporarily.

Anyway, I hope spring gets here soon as turkey hunting in the snow isn't anywhere near as much fun as deer hunting in the snow but it should keep the ticks at bay for a while.