A few years ago .... oh, like 10 or so, I'd had so many back surgeries, I told the doc to stick me with a fork ... I was DONE. I told 'em I'd just live with what I've got and deal with it myself from here on out. Well, I've finally had enough of it, dropped my stubbornness, and decided to go back in to start where we left off years ago. After the initial examination last week, the doc feared there may be some cancer involved, so yesterday was the day to find out. I had some minor surgery done and they took tissue samples at the same time. They've been sent in for a biopsy before any further surgeries will be scheduled. The good news is, once the tissue was removed, the surgeon said he really didn't see anything alarming (cancerish looking), but we're awaiting the biopsy results to make sure. I'm supposed to go in for a follow-up in two weeks, so during the next two weeks, no news, will be good news. TBH, I'm not too concerned and am looking at this as purely cautionary (or is that precautionary? Are they the same? I dunno), so I'm not gonna change the way I live right now. I still have a lot of traveling/camping to do!