She’s on Obamacare right now actually, plus cancer coverage. It’s pretty reasonable in the overall scheme of things, but still tough with zero income. We’ve planned for retirement all our lives actually, but those plans were dashed with medical issues, so MY plans didn’t work out. The double whammy was the fact I lost my business and it’s sale was “planned” to supplement my retirement. Lynn “planned” to work until 67 and retire with full SS benefits, but Covid and now this issue has screwed that up. Our fall-back in case of these sort of failures was our IRA. Now even that is in the toilet. We had some decent savings set up, but that’s been draining rapidly to compensate for her lack of income. We’ve tried to do the right thing all our lives and it’s all backfired to no fault of our own. I guess the only thing that worked out as planned is that the house is paid off, another goal set many years ago … and met.