Ha ha! Like the good old days when you could drive through the high school parking lot and see guns on the pick-up gun racks, I did something that would send me straight to jail these days. I built a fake bomb and gave it to my math teacher as a gag on his birthday. Man, when I think back, I put some effort into it and it would have made a great, professional looking movie prop. I mounted it on a 1”x6”x12” board. It consisted of a Baby Ben alarm clock, an old lantern battery, three railroad flares and some coiled wire. I had the wires hooked to the (dead) battery terminals and had drilled a small hole in each side of the clock. One wire went from the battery and entered the hole on one side of the clock, another wire exited the other side of the clock and went to a wire that connected to 3 wires going into an end of each flare. A wire came out of the other end of the flares, tied into a single wire that went to the other pole of the battery. All pieces were neatly fastened to the board. TBH, just thinking back about that “bomb”, I’m proud of the neat job I did on it. He was leaving that year to teach at a different school (moving to a different city). It was toward the end if the school year and I gave him a small card to open before opening the gift. It said, “Your time is short here, we’ll miss you.” (Or something along those lines)

The last day of school, I gave him a nicely wrapped package and a card that said, “Enjoy your summer!”

Inside was a nice sized baggy of catnip. I thought he was gonna shit when he opened it at his desk. He got all wide-eyed, covered it up immediately, looked at me and said, “Is this real?!?!?”

Yes, I was known as a class clown and quite the jokester while in school. I could go on and on about some of my practical jokes while in school.