That's the first step, Niner.

Jesus said in John 15:14 that if we Love Him, we'll keep his commandments. Thus, I conclude He has commandments. If He has 'em, I figure I have to figure out what they are. The only place I know to look is His Word, the Bible. If you disregard His Word entirely, and ignore it, then all the feelings in the world won't do much for you. Acts Chapter 9 talks about the Apostle Paul on his way down a road to do what HE thought was God's work...........killing these Evil Christians (he was a Jew and a teacher and Big Muckety)...........and God struck him down and set him straight. He was of a good conscience, doing what he thought was right.....but God said "Nope, you're doing it wrong". So good conscience isn't enough.

These are hard words for many folks to accept. I know that. I mean no ill will to anyone. But I am under a requirement to tell the Gospel (Good News) to any that I can. I have no other choice.

I know it's seldom accepted. And I pray I don't alienate anyone. And on top of that, I'm a pretty big hypocrite, being the Biggest Sinner that Ever Lived.........and I have little justification to 'preach' to anyone. Yet, I have to, where the opportunity presents itself.