And I call BS on your calling BS.

I am average intelligence. I have studied it since I could read. Some passages are harder than others. Most are not. It's just an anthology of books. Some of the early translations used English words we weren't familiar with, but King James Version was translated in 1611 for gosh sakes. There are American Standard Versions that are NOT difficult.

There is an entire industry, as you call it, dedicated to interpreting it for you FOR ONE REASON.......YOU/WE WON'T TRY TO 'INTERPRET' IT OURSELVES!!! No other reason. Stop listening to TV Gimme Preachers, and stop listening to (well meaning) folks with their collars backwards, and just pick it up and read it.

Honest, if I can get it, you can.

And not even trying is gonna get you (and everyone) in one heap of trouble one day!

I've done what I can. I don't want animosity towards me for trying.