With 12 years of Catholic education I feel somewhat qualified to comment. I do wish there were more Bible study in the Catholic Church. That being said, having spent 12 years in a Baptist Church, where we did a lot of Bible study; the quantity of types, translations, and languages that the Bible is published in (by humans), lead me to believe there's room for mistakes, spin, agendas, misrepresentations, additions, editing, etc. A few of which are sadly clear and documented and well known.

Taking what we read today too literally seems to be inappropriate. I’ve seen very long and heated “discussions” about a single word in the bible. An english word, in on translation of a Bible that is likely at least a 6th or 7th generation of the original manuscripts, which were only written after a hundred or hundreds of years of oral history.

Don’t get me wrong. The Bible is my life handbook. I’ve been chided up one side and down the other for my belief and my actions towards others. Especially in my divorce. The messages in the text we read are there and right and true. There is only one Truth. I’m just not sure any single verse (or several) we read in one of today’s Bibles can stand alone as an infallible truth without the entirety of the context of the Bible, or at least the testament it’s taken from.

Just my two cents.