Well, what a few days it’s been! Friday was total bananas! We had to cancel/reschedule appointments, etc. and generally spent the day running around like ants preparing to be gone for who knows how long? I finally got down to trying to get flights and the %|{£€¥# scum bag airlines want 3-4 times their normal fares for a last minute flight. I finally got so pissed off, I told all of them to KMA, then told Lynn to go gas up the little car we bought to tow behind the motorhome. I’m going into truck driver mode. Screw the airlines!

Well, we’d be staying with Lynn’s mom who is in her late 80’s, so why risk catching something on the plane and bringing it to her? Then I heard that same day, 1500 flights were cancelled and people were stuck in airports all over the country, so driving was a no-brainer. We also didn’t have to worry about luggage weight limits, etc. We didn’t pull out of the driveway until Friday night! After a day of hectic running around like a chicken with its head cut off, I’d just drive as far as I could, pull into a rest area for a nap, then hit the road again.

Long story short (? ), I covered 2600 miles in 2-days. (I don’t let Lynn drive or it would have taken us 5-6 days!) We left Friday night and pulled into her mom’s driveway at 9:00 pm last night (Sunday).

I usually cruise at 10 mph over the limit. Passed a few smokies, but none of them paid a bit of attention to me, so all went well. We even stopped for a few nice sit-down dinners along the way. I will say, the speed limit in West Texas was nice. 80 means 90 to me!

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