I honestly don't think this has ever been discussed here. Have you ever had a nickname? I think nicknames might have been more popular back in the day maybe than they are now. \Kind of like a guy you called Chip was more than likely a Charles. Now he's more than likely just a Chip.

I hated my nickname in high school. Summer of 9th grade I got sick with a fever and they ran all kinds of tests on me. Finally, the nailed it down to Undulant Fever, which you can get from drinking raw milk from cows with Bangs disease. About half our small herd of cows banged out and our farm was prohibited from having cattle on it for a year. We had to sell off about 25 cows. Was a pretty significant part of the family income too. They gave me tetracyclene, which reffed up my teeth, but it cured it. Until I went back to school anyways, and my Ag teacher labelled me with the nickname of Banger. To this day, I see people in my hometown they're as likely to say 'hey Banger' as anything else. Unless it s 'Hey asshole'.

Larke pretty much exclusively called me Posthole, from here, or Posty. To this day I don't think he knew how to spell or pronounce my last name.