Well, I need to make an addition to the above info. I assumed ALL payments were due at the same time, but evidently, we added website security the last time we got hacked and it threw the renewal date off. Our security coverage expired 12 days ago. My bad. That adds another $89.40 to the mix. I can renew that now, but it will pretty much wipe out our bank account completely. On the other hand, why renew it if we drop the site? From your response, it sounds like you're voting to make it a keeper (totally expected). I can renew the security coverage now which may be smart as we paid Niner and somebody else (Len? Nandy maybe?) a couple hunnert bucks to get us back on-line last time we crashed and burned. If I renew that coverage now, we're dead broke and will need a fundraiser completed by the end of June (I believe the renewal date is 7/03). Maybe I'll sacrifice my 1/8 tank of diesel and go ahead and renew the security coverage to be safe. If we crash, I have no clue who will get us back on-line as we have no techies left here that I'm aware of.