Q/A, when Cappy passed unexpectedly, it was a total nightmare getting this place switched over to my name. It took a frigging act of Congress to get anything accomplished. Passwords, etc, were only known by him. Once I found a workaround, I still couldn’t do anything without his credit card info. The card had been cancelled and destroyed by his wife. It literally took months to convince Go-Daddy to make the adjustments. Due to all that B/S, I sent all log-in info to P-hole, including enough credit card info to get Go-Daddy to talk to him. If he croaks before me (and we’re still up and running), I’ll pass it on to the next “Chosen One”.

Bwana, I generally use PayPal because I’m very familiar with it. I think somebody used Venmo (?) once, but I can’t even remember what it entailed. A mailed check works too (I can text or email my address). Anything other than USPS or PayPal, I’d have to figure out, but I have no problem with it.