Your description sounds like Thai Chili Peppers Johnboy. They’re used fresh in a lot of Thai dishes. You’ll also find them as a condiment on the tables of most “authentic” Thai restaurants, diced up fresh in vinegar or fish sauce. Other than that, they normally roast (fry) them to dry them out, then grind them up into “chili flakes” to use as seasoning in many Thai dishes. Personally, I have NEVER been to a Thai restaurant that did not offer the dried chili as a condiment. If not on the table, they’ll bring it to you in a small container and tiny spoon (use sparingly)

Use your imagination, a pot of homemade chili is a good one. (I even put them on pizza) I suppose the best way to grind them would be with a food processor. In Thailand, they do it by hand with a mortar & pestle.

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