Quote Originally Posted by BarryBobPosthole View Post
One thing along those lines that we’ll make sure of in our next place is underground utilities. I know that’s not a choice if you live out in the country but its worth it if you live in a subdivision. In 25 years of living in this house, we’ve had two big ice storms and numerous high winds and storm situations and not had a power out over an hour the whole time. It makes a huge difference.
It's definitely nice when you have everything underground. My current house has everything buried, but in the old farmhouse we rented when we were first married we had a big storm go through and knock out the electric service line to the house. We were several days without power because since we weren't a priority, they were fixing the outages with multiple customers first.

It's nice to know that now when my power goes out, there are several others out in the area as well so we get a much quicker response.